What happened in these chapters?
Valancy asks Barney to marry her.
“Yes. You know Dr. Trent’s reputation in regard to heart disease. I haven’t long to live—perhaps only a few months—a few weeks. I want to live them. I can’t go back to Deerwood—you know what my life was like there. And’’—she managed it this time—"I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That’s all.” (page 182)
They get married in a quiet ceremony and go to Barney's cabin on his island.
Valancy is driving into town to tell her family about her marriage when she runs into Cousin Georgiana. Georgiana cries when Valancy tells her that she married Barney. The rest of the family reacts just as badly.
"God bless my soul!" he said dully. The rest seemed to turn to stone. Except Cousin Gladys, who turned faint. Aunt Mildred and Uncle Wellington had to help her out to the kitchen. (page 200-201)
Most of them decide to act as if Valancy were dead. Valancy, however, is quite happy. There are scenes of domestic harmony. Barney buys her pearls for Christmas. But how could he afford those?
Hat mentions (why hats?):
Blue homespun shirt, nondescript hat, muddy overalls. (page 184)
She wore her green dress and her green hat because she had nothing else to wear. (page 185)
She in her odd, unbridal green hat and dress; Barney in shirt and overalls. (page 187)
And here was Doss herself, coming along the road from Roaring Abel’s in such a queer green dress and hat. (page 192)
Her golden-brown hair curling richly under her big, white-frilled hat. (page 198)
That outlandish dress—that queer hat—those hands full of blood-red roses. Yet there was something about both dress and hat, as Olive instantly felt, that was entirely lacking in her own attire. (page 198)
How many times did the Blue Castle get name checked in these chapters?
Two on page 191, one on page 193, two on page 205, one on page 210, 216, 217, 221, 222, 227, 232, 236, 237, 239
Last week's homework:
Here's the passage I chose:
They got into the canoe and paddled out to it. They left behind the realm of everyday and things known and landed on a realm of mystery and enchantment where anything might happen—anything might be true. Barney lifted Valancy out of the canoe and swung her to a lichen-covered rock under a young pine-tree. His arms were about her and suddenly his lips were on hers. Valancy found herself shivering with the rapture of her first kiss.
“Welcome home, dear,’ Barney was saying. (page 191)
1) Narrative: Look at the quote and describe its place in the narrative.
Barney and Valancy have just gotten married and are now going to Barney's cabin on the island. They have to take the canoe to get there and Valancy loves it.
2) Symbolism: What metaphors are hidden in the text? What symbols do you see?
I think the big thing here is that all of this represents freedom to Valancy. Mystery and enchantment and a first kiss. This is all about how Valancy is finding herself. I hate it for her that her only path to this freedom is to be in a romantic relationship with a man, but that's how it was, right? (Is? Ugh.)
3) Reflection: How does this text speak to you in your life today?
It has been quite some time since I was young and in love for the first time. It just makes me think about all the young people in this world and how hard it is to be a young human right now.
4) Invitation: What action are you going to take?
I must have more patience with the young ones in my life - the world must seem so scary right now with dictators rising up in power, wars across the globe, and a very uncertain economy.
Also, I should try to bring some of the spark and excitement of young love back into my own relationship. After all, you're only young once, but I get a chance to enjoy being with my husband every day!
Homework for next week:
What's your favorite line from the reading? Why is it your favorite?
Line of note:
Winter was beautiful “up back”—almost intolerably beautiful. Days of clear brilliance. Evenings that were like cups of glamour—the purest vintage of winter’s wine. Nights with their fire of stars. Cold, exquisite winter sunrises. Lovely ferns of ice all over the windows of the Blue Castle. Moonlight on birches in a silver thaw. Ragged shadows on windy evenings—torn, twisted, fantastic shadows. Great silences, austere and searching. (page 227)
This reminded me of Elisabeth's Top/Bottom Five Winter Edition post. Winter can be great!
Things I looked up:
Torquemada (page 205) - In the 1400s, a Roman Catholic Dominican friar and first Castillian Grand Inquisitor of the Tribunal of the Holy Office. Owing to the Inquisition's use of torture to extract confessions and burning at the stake of those declared guilty, and to Torquemada's own approval, even advocacy, of these practices, his name has become synonymous with cruelty, religious intolerance, and fanaticism. (This research got dark pretty quickly...)
oriel window (page 210) - form of bay window which protrudes from the main wall of a building but does not reach to the ground
Lucullus (page 221) - Lucullus was a Roman general and he was so known for his lavish feasts that that the word Lucullan now means lavish, luxurious and gourmet.
Questions to ponder (as always, feel free to answer as many or few of these as you'd like - talk about what you want to talk about!):
1) Did any of you see that happening? I had no idea Valancy was going to ask Barney to marry her!! I was taken completely by surprise. Was this a brave thing to do? Or just dangerous?
2) Does everyone else think Barney is John Foster? This has come up in the comments in the last couple of weeks, but his holing up in Bluebeard's Chamber and his disparaging remarks about Foster to Valancy are making me suspicious.
“I wonder if John Foster ever spent a winter in Mistawis,” said Valancy.
“Not likely,” scoffed Barney. “People who writ tosh like that generally write it in a warm house some smug city street.” (page 230)
“Good Lord, do you learn all that fellow’s books by heart?’ was Barney’s disgusted reaction as he strode off. (page 231)
3) Would you like to live in Barney's cabin on the island? (There's a semi-famous poet who lived on an island in my town and seemed to live this sort of life.)
4) The book is wrapping up next week. How do you think this is going to end?
Upcoming CBBC schedule:
March 3: Chapters 33-45
March 10: Wrap-up